Our Services

Services We Provide

Eldredge Equipment Services Inc.

Staying current to the industry

At Eldredge we grow with industry by using up to date troubleshooting computers, scan tools and technician training. Eldredge Equipment Employees also receive continuous training through their career.

We have software for all ABS systems, and all major engine and truck manufacturers.

Vacuum pumps and tanks

We provide regional and national, original equipment manufacturing with vacuum pump packages and vacuum tanks. eldredge is a distributor for several vacuum pumps and equipment manufactures and we support the sale of vacuum pumps and vacuum related equipment along with providing maintenance, repairs and alterations for our clients.

Mack and Volvo certified

We have Mack and Volvo certified Master fleet technicians, and technicians currently working through the Mack and Volvo fleet certifications.

We are also distributors for several truck and trailer parts manufactures as well as enjoying partnerships with local truck dealers and a Parts and Service dealership with Mack Trucks Inc,

Fabrication department

Our fabrication department capable of custom fabrication as well as welding repairs through the use of ironworkers and proper training, as well as personnel skilled in all welding processes. Mig, Tig, Stick, hardfacing on steel, Stainless, and aluminum are all services available at Eldredge

Registered PA inspection

We provide a Registered PA inspection station, PA enhanced inspection station and Hazmat Cargo tank inspection station.

We also provide MV-41 Weight Verification/Reclassification, and State Safety & FDOT Inspections.

Full Service Repair Facility

We install, repair and provide the following:
Suspension Brakes (Hydraulic & Air)
Preventative Maintenance (PM) Services
Welding & Fabrication
Engine Computer Diagnostics
Engine Repair & Overhaul
Drivetrain & Transmission Repair
PTO & Vacuum Pump Installation & Repair

Custom Projects (By Request)

We provide:
Custom truck builds
Tank installation or repair
PTO systems
Liquid level gauges (depth ray)
Custom welding/fabrication.